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Experience at every Flemish broadcaster

Being interested in subtitling from a very young age, taking the elective course in Live Subtitling during my master’s degree, was a very obvious choice. A live subtitler from VTM (Medialaan) taught us the basics and showed us around at the VRT and VTM subtitling departments.

I have worked for the multinational subtitling and dubbing company BTI Studios (now Iyuno Media Group), where I have gained a lot of experience translating and subtitling a wide range of news and entertainment programmes for Flemish TV channels VTM, Q2, Vitaya, VIER and VIJF, all with different subtitling style and timing requirements.

I am currently working as a freelance live subtitler and respeaker at the public broadcaster VRT and at the private broadcaster VTM (DPG Media) and I am looking to find new clients for both open and closed captioning, both live and non-live. I have my own subtitling and respeaking software and a lot of experience at various companies to offer.

Translating with time and space limits

My experience at public broadcaster VRT, VTM and BTI Studios makes me a better translator, interpreter and copywriter. The limitations of the subtitling medium force me to be more creative and target-text-minded.

Furthermore, as a subtitler, I come across so many different contexts and registers, my general knowledge and specific vocabulary is expanding program per program, timeframe per timeframe.


Language combinations

Dutch (NL) > Dutch (NL)

English (EN) > English (EN)

French (FR) > French (FR)

English (EN) > Dutch (NL)
French (FR) > Dutch (NL)
German (DE) > Dutch (NL)

Italian (IT) > Dutch (NL)

Dutch (NL) > English (EN)
Dutch (NL) > French (FR)


What's in a name? Our brand Idéomatics refers to the term idiomatic, meaning we will always strive for subtitles containing expressions that are natural to a native speaker. 

As the age old golden rule states: you can either have it fast, cheap or good, but you can’t have it all. Since we, at Idéomatics, focus on quality and sometimes speed, compared to other subtitling bureaus in our fast-paced market our subtitles might not be considered cheap. However, 'cheap' subtitles ironically could turn out to be even more expensive, when the result is not according to your and your viewers' expectations and you'll have to adapt or even re-translate. Viewers who do not understand the original language of the video, can only rely on the subtitles, so they are crucial to make sure your message gets across correctly to you whole audience. 

Choosing Idéomatics means choosing high-quality subtitles at a reasonable price. Please contact us for a free, personalised quote. 

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